The Quality Control Division consists of the Analytical Laboratory, Microbiology Laboratory and the In-Process Chemical Laboratory, which are equipped with modern technology, instruments and specialised scientists who carry out controls and analyses by applying certified and accredited analytical methods to ensure the GMP (Good Manufacturing Process) standards of the entire productive process.

Department of Microbiology Laboratory
The Department of Microbiology Laboratory is one of the most modern microbiology laboratories in the field of pharmaceutical and cosmetic factories boasting new technology equipment.
Department of Analysis Control
In the analysis control department all incoming raw materials, packaging materials, semi-finished and finished products are thoroughly analyzed and tested. The core chemical laboratory is fully equipped with state-of-the-art analytical instruments.
Department of Technical SupportA dedicated technical staff monitor and manage all cisterns, packaging machines, ventilation and air conditioning units, the compressor, turbine and other production units, either preventively or reactively.
The manufacturing sector includes the department of Manufacturing, Packaging and Warehouses and follows the Good Manufacturing Practice – GMP rules, which have been approved by the National Organization for Medicines (EOF) and the European Union. The Manufacturing Sector is monitored by the EOF and audited regularly to ascertain compliance and adherence to requirements. The Company is ISO 9001:2008-certified by Lloyd's Register for the Design, Development, Production and Marketing of cosmetics. Additionally, FREZYDERM conducts operations for large foreign companies by manufacturing its products for the European market, and maintains partnerships with universities in Greece and abroad to foster research and development of innovative products and technologies.

Department of ManufacturingIn the manufacturing department there are separate rooms for every cosmetic-technical form, isolated from one another.
Department of Packaging
In the packaging department there is a central facility where products are filled and packaged. There is also the main, basic automatic filling line. The cartoning machine features an orientation functionality and sealing of various types of boxes. Also, there is the tube fill machine that fills in and seals tubes.
WarehousesFREZYDERM production unit has different warehouses for the preservation of raw materials, in two stages: the first is the quarantine stage, before the raw materials go through bacterial control, and the second stage is the waiting stage before entering the production process. There is also the warehouse of semi-finished products, packaging materials, finished products, flammable materials and the repository of counter samples.